Tuesday, 1 July 2014

How To Prepare Your Tablecloths

So your big day or your event is approaching fast and if you are decorating your own venue then one thing that often gets forgotten to the last minute are the tablecloths. Time consuming and awkward, so what is the best way to prepare them and transport them to your venue?
Before you even start, always check the material and its instructions as there is nothing worse than scorching something at the last minute.
Basic tablecloth pressing tips:
  • Iron tablecloths when they are slightly damp.
  • Place a clean sheet on the floor under your ironing board to prevent the dangling ends of the tablecloth from picking up dust or dirt.
  • Make sure the heat setting is appropriate for your tablecloth's fabric.
  • Iron back and forth in line with the weave of the cloth; circular motions can stretch the fabric.
Ironing Round or Oval Tablecloths
Step 1
Visualize the round or oval tablecloth as a pizza.
Step 2
Carefully lay the tablecloth across the ironing board and press the centre of the tablecloth.
Step 3
Working outward from the centre, iron one "slice of pizza" at a time, working from the centre to the edge.
Step 4
Rotate the cloth and press the next section. Repeat until the entire cloth is pressed.
Folding Round or Oval Tablecloths
Step 1
To fold a round or oval tablecloth for storage, fold it in half with the undersides together to make a half circle.
Step 2
Fold the cloth in half again.
Step 3
Lay the tablecloth across the ironing board and bring the edges together to fold crosswise two more times. You should end up with a small wedge shape.
Step 4
Store the tablecloth flat in a drawer, box or airing cupboard
Remember: Creases form in warm fabric. Allow your tablecloth to cool before folding to avoid creases. When you're ready to use the tablecloth, it should require minimal touch-up ironing.
Ironing Rectangular Tablecloths
Step 1
When ironing rectangular tablecloths, iron the underside first. Using a low heat setting can avoid a sheen developing on the cloth.
Step 2
Work in sections from the center to the edges until you've pressed the entire cloth and it's dry.
Step 3
For a very large tablecloth, fold it in half, right sides together. Iron the underside of the cloth. Do not iron the folded edge to avoid creating a crease. Reopen the cloth and fold again with the undersides together to iron the right side. Iron the tablecloth until dry. Fold the cloth loosely into thirds and iron down the centre to remove any crease marks.
Folding Rectangular Tablecloths
Step 1
Start by folding a rectangular tablecloth in half lengthwise, undersides together.
Step 2
Fold the top and bottom ends together and fold in half crosswise.
Step 3
Fold up the bottom end of the tablecloth, id the sheen that sometimes develops as you iron
Step 4
Fold one more time and store flat.
One great way of transporting them is to hang them on a trouser hangar and steam them. failing that always take an iron with you so that they can be spruced up prior to the event.

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